Reply to post: Re: Why not save the planet at the same time?

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Libertarian Voice

Re: Why not save the planet at the same time?

You base your whole argument on the false premise that anthropogenic co2 can drive climate or is in other ways harmful to the planet; it is not.

The insulation properties of co2 are so low that it cannot possibly drive climate because its addition to the atmosphere causes global greening (healthier plants). As these plants are much more heathy they decay less and subsequently produce less methane.

Methane has insulation properties 12 times greater than co2 therefore there is no way that co2 can drive climate.

The amount of meat we eat on the other hand, and general over population are without doubt a serious problem, but not co2.

If you want to save the planet then the greatest contribution you can make is not to have children.

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