Reply to post: Re: Skype for Business

Official: Microsoft will take an axe to Skype for Business Online. Teams is your new normal

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Skype for Business

Well there is integration with Sharepoint Groups as Teams is a Sharepoint Site in the background, however integrating with an existing Sharepoint Group is difficult. If only Groups in outlook had the features of a Shared Mailbox (e.g. categories, folders etc) then the integration between Outlook, Teams and Sharepoint could be handled if set up directly as an Outlook group from the beginning).

External users can be added to teams as guest users (although the management of them isn't great) and you can set up meetings with external users quite easily but nowhere near as easy as Skype.

My extra issues with Teams - really insecure Install. It is not possible to install it as a PC application (in Program Files) it installs itself as a User level program in Program Data (even there MSI installer, doesn't allow a PC install it is just a wrapper around the user install). Therefore circumventing good avenues used for Security and even advice from Microsoft on Security. Even Google Chrome allows an option to install it properly and disable user installs of it.

You can't avoid cropping the video in Teams, like you could in Skype so widescreen webcam in Video Conferencing (like used in most meeting rooms) gets cropped as more users join. The video is designed specifically for single users joiners not 'teams' in one room.

No pop-out anything, not just chat. You can't pop-out a document (without downloading it or editing it), you can't pop out a video conference attender and put them on another screen. In fact when you use Teams for a meeting, it works okay but you end up switching back and forth like mad bring up agendas,linked documents, VC attendees, project files etc.

Teams doesn't have any printing ability, even via the website there is no print style sheets - just does a regular screen print.

No separate permissions for subteams. If you have an IT team and then set up projects below that, all are members of every project.Set up a separate team for every project and you start having hundreds of teams.

You can e-mail a 'team' at e the Team email address from anywhere but team members can't reply. Only other team members see any reply.

Hey, it's agile it's getting improved (beta tested) continuously.

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