Reply to post: Re: Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy taking place in a distant future

Backdoors won't weaken your encryption, wails FBI boss. And he's right. They won't – they'll fscking torpedo it


Re: Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy taking place in a distant future

Is "Idocracy" really worth watching? The synopsis imaked it sound so puerile that I've actively avoided watching it, but it is cited here a lot.

I won't give it a rave review. It does have the correct Wilson brother IIRC (IE not the one who seems to wind up giving long boring whiney monologues in every one of his movies (I say "seems to" as I usually turn the thing off not long into it).

It's tolerable, and maybe even entertaining on some level. I didn't hate it.

When you have some time to spare and nothing else to do, give it a whirl. I promise you that, when you have completed watching it, you will have watched Idiocracy. I won't make any other promises, although I'll predict it won't be the worst movie you'll see in your lifetime :)

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