Reply to post: Quality evaluation of pen is not hard.

Summer vacations put an end to rampant desktop crimewave


Quality evaluation of pen is not hard.

How to divide into "keep" and "leave for stealing". Unscrew the thing (if impossible, leave for stealing). Does it have a fat mine and does it write well? Then keep. Otherwise leave for stealing. You'll keep just one out of ten pens, but your life will be much better pen-wise.

For the not-so-much appreciated co-workers, leave some that randomly leak (enough ink to spoil a shirt for good). Pens that write the first word just fine, then fade quickly are also good for this. Oh, and pens that click the mine out but retract it back upon the slightest touch of paper.

For those nice persons that repeatedly grab a pen form your desk for "just signing" something always have a perfectly working pen ready. With pink ink.

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