Reply to post: Re: I don't understand all the ramifications, but...

Azure consultant to sue Google for linking his cached pics to cloned site, breach of copyright

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I don't understand all the ramifications, but...

I do historical reenactment, and am listed as a "model" with a variety of photographers with a commercial agreement that basically says "you can sell these pictures of me on stock image sites and to newspapers etc, as so long as you give me a free full resolution digital copy (which is the payment for me)"

My understanding (which may or may not be correct) is that without being listed as a model the photographer wouldn't be able to list the images on (m)any reputable stock image sites and sell the image. If he tried, I would be able to cause no end of legal hassle for the photographer, the site listing it and the people that bought said image.

So my understanding is that technically you can sell any photo, but you can quickly end up in a legally dodgy position that you might or might not be able to defend, costing tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds in the process (even if the photographer ultimately won) if somebody in the photo is particularly aggrieved at it's use. Hence, professional photographers get consent first since they don't want the hassle.

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