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Azure consultant to sue Google for linking his cached pics to cloned site, breach of copyright

doublelayer Silver badge

He isn't being crazy about his copyright--he's trying to prevent Google from making copies, which is illegal, by the by, and using them to lower traffic levels to his site, which would lower the ad payout to him and presumably increase the one to him. I don't know the details, and there is a possibility that the summary as stated in the article is not representative of the real situation, but if it is, it seems relatively clear that theft of that nature is malicious.

We all within our graves shall sleep

A hundred years to come;

But ere that century so deep

Will pass, crimes may be done,

And though I wish naught but the best,

To children then, I must confess,

As I live now, I wish my due,

As would I wish to those of you,

A hundred years to come.

Modified with apologies to William Goldsmith Brown

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