Reply to post: Re: Outlaws

Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Outlaws

"besides yelling "2nd amendment!", which is a right, not an obligation, and can be withdrawn if the people agree"

Because "the people" have been so good at agreeing on ANYTHING for the past 30 years. Besides, I would think that, in reality, a malicious Government would be after much juicier rights. That First Amendment has got to be a big thorn in the side - look at how many times the Government has been smacked by it over the centuries. Same goes for the Fourth Amendment - definitely a stumbling block for any Government that realizes how much better it is at everything than the populace it governs.

So yeah, taking away the pea-shooters might make hay with some groups, but wouldn't really do much to advance the government's absolute authority over the lives of its subjects.

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