Reply to post: Re: Stop using that phone

UK cops blasted over 'disproportionate' slurp of years of data from crime victims' phones

Doctor Syntax Silver badge

Re: Stop using that phone

"This is positively Orwellian, where the victim is having to prove that they are innocent."

It's more complex than you think.

My experience in investigating such cases is well out of date - in fact it's almost exactly disjunct with mobile phones. Mores may well have changed but there was always a problem with trusting rape allegations. There were a few fairly obvious attempts to cause trouble: in one case I remember on breaking up with a former boyfriend and in another in an attempt to inconvenience the police after she'd had a telling off.

Where the dubious claims actually name an alleged perpetrator there are now two potential victims. Out of fairness to someone who may have been wrongfully and even maliciously accused the police have to tread a very fine line.

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