Reply to post: Re: Follow the money

British ISPs throw in the towel, give up sending out toothless copyright infringement warnings

Dr. Mouse

Re: Follow the money

And what if it's "exclusive" to a service I don't subscribe to?

This is where competition is incorrectly used in the media space.

There's plenty of competition between streaming services. However, if the show/film you want to access is exclusive to one service, there is no competition, you must pay for that particular one. If there are several shows you want to watch, and they are spread exclusively across multiple platforms, you have no choice but to pay for ALL of them (well, except to miss out on something you want to watch, or to pirate the stuff not on the platform(s) you do pay for).

The same thing happened with football: "Competition" was forced, but all it did was divide the games up between 3-4 different channels each of which required a separate subscription. If you wanted to be able to watch all the, say, premiership matches, you had to subscribe to all the channels and it cost you more. (Note I am not a football fan, but several of those I know were rather irked by this increased "competition")

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