Reply to post: Re: I could train 1st line to be fluent in 'user'

I don't have to save my work, it's in The Cloud. But Microsoft really must fix this files issue

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Re: I could train 1st line to be fluent in 'user'

George reminds me of a good friend of mine. A suffer of multiple forms of SpLD, he's battled massive depression, all sorts of abusive behaviour from others, and problems you wouldn't want to wish on your worst enemies.

He still managed to do OK, at 50 is married, couple of sprogs (one normal one well-adjusted also SpLD), freehold home, good job.

Probably thanks to him that I had absolutely NO issue reading "George";s stuff. All seemed pretty easy to read (although having spent a bit of time with oldies and general computer users...).

The writer of that page is quite a bit of a tosser though. Might be some projectionism going on there with the way he responds to some of the tickets. The meaning is clear, takes but a second to grasp what was intended. Only a couple of places I'd have to check one of a couple of possible interpretations.

Had thought of going to the site's forums to see if others had called the writer out, but realised there was too much chance of others being on the writer's side - no thanks!

"George" - go and be happy, ignore the others. You'll always be a better person because of how much harder you've worked to get anywhere.

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