Reply to post: Re: rows of car batteries baking in the 48° heat

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Re: rows of car batteries baking in the 48° heat

In 2nd year undergrad Biochem lab I aspirated 1M NaOH into my mouth because we were using old fashioned mouth pipettes. After my accident the proper pipettemen came out for the rest of the lab.

Then in Physiology respiratory lab we were doing different mixtures, hypercapnia (O2 stays constant CO2 rises), hypoxia (run by medically qualified member of staff) and asphyxia (rebreathe a volume of air.

I was sitting on a stool with the valve in my mouth doing the asphyxia. My partner watching and periodically asking me if I was alright and I would nod. He became concerned when I started making 'seal noises' and switched me to room air. A while later I came to again. Apparently I kept nodding (reflexes are wonderful and can be unconscious).

After that the rule became you had to give a thumbs up in response to the 'are you alright?' question.

I managed a higher CO2 level than I had in hypercapnia. I kept the traces for some years. They may still be in a box in the attic but I suspect not.

I survived my undergrad courses and even managed a PhD in that Physiology dept. When demonstrating that lab I made a point about the thumbs up.

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