Reply to post: Why has this circus not been banned, yet ?

Amazon's bugging of homes has German boffins worried that Alexa may be an outlaw

Mike 137 Silver badge

Why has this circus not been banned, yet ?


[1] the international tech giants can afford to buy the law, or at least to exhaust the resources of any complainant in court

[2] folks in our "western" cultures are satiated, and thus demand ever more and newer (of whatever)

[3] the international tech giants (just like the gaming "industry") employ excellent psychologists to devise ways to hook the public

[4] the only economic entry point if you want to be at the top of the commercial tree is now subscription-based "services" rather than hardware or perpetual licenses, which are already often a loss leader

[5] the big money is in advertising and marketing, which requires acquisition of ever more numerous and increasingly detailed detailed demographics

One can, of course, just sidestep all this regardless of its legality, by not participating. However that might involve some "sacrifices" such as not buying the kit or signing up to the services or to "social" media. and not responding to messages from users of gmail or its equivalents. It might also prove necessary to raise formal objections whenever the opportunity arises, which takes effort and determination.

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