Reply to post: "the country takes the issue very seriously"

Amazon's bugging of homes has German boffins worried that Alexa may be an outlaw

Pascal Monett Silver badge

"the country takes the issue very seriously"

As well should we all.

We are, as usual, firmly in the space of "we did it because we technically can" and nobody thought of any other possible consequences. The mute button ? Technical cop-out, lame excuse and I would be extremely surprised if Alexa owners have actually touched that thing more than once to see if it works.

This is going to be a nightmare to navigate. Privacy's importance is on the rise in the public eye, and Alexa and privacy are basically two things that don't go together. Sure, if you bought it then it can be argued that you accept, but your guests did not and that is the issue. An issue for which there is no solution as far as I can see. Recording everything and sending it to the server to check if it can be kept is not likely to be an acceptable solution, you're still being recorded.

Actually, there is one solution : turn the mute button into a record button, and only record when pressing the button. But then you'll have the Alexa fans that will complain that it kills convenience.

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