Reply to post: Re: up to a 20 per cent pay cut overnight... For many, the cost of their current mortgage

Industry reps told the UK taxman everything wrong with extending IR35. What happened next will astound you

lglethal Silver badge

Re: up to a 20 per cent pay cut overnight... For many, the cost of their current mortgage

Then I would consider the AC's anger as being entirely misplaced.

Surely the anger should be directed at those who, through their actions, keep large numbers of residential addresses off the purchasing market, therefore driving up the prices of the scarce available units and causing house prices and rents to be so ridiculously high. And of course at the government who allows this to continue.

Being angry because someone else who is also just a regular worker like yourself is paying a bit less for their mortgage is utterly daft. There are much better targets for your anger out there.

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