Reply to post: Re: The filtering is done BEFORE the Bells test

Literally rings our bell: Scottish eggheads snap quantum entanglement for the first time

Yes Me Silver badge

Re: The filtering is done BEFORE the Bells test

"NOT a magic force over an extra dimension propagating across space and time."

That's a wonderful strawman to attack, but sadly for your somewhat tangled argument, it isn't in any way shape or form anything that Bell proposed.

I'm possibly the only commentard here who actually met John Bell, and even sat in on a meal with him and Roger Penrose. Not that this, and a physics degree, qualify me to have an opinion. The point is that Bell proved a consequence of quantum mechanics that could be tested experimentally, which experiment showed that entanglement is an actual property of the universe we live in.

There's no suggestion of a magic force. And nobody yet claims that string theory, which does posit extra dimensions that we can't perceive, is anything more than theory - unlike the Alain Aspect experiment that was the first test of Bell's theorem, there isn't (as far as I know) a proposed experiment to test even one of the many variants of string theory.

I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” [Richard Feynman] But that doesn't make it false, because experiments tell us it's true, including entanglement.

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