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I don't have to save my work, it's in The Cloud. But Microsoft really must fix this files issue

doublelayer Silver badge

But that was before schools developed an odd love of PowerPoint presentations containing the required at least one image per slide and occasional video clips. My teachers never seemed to accept that my talking about the topic would be a completely fine presentation, especially when I was going to say all the stuff I wrote on that slide plus extra information. And having a short piece of text to read while I said it out loud wasn't good enough; I had to provide a picture for each topic. Usually, that meant typing the topic into Google images, selecting one that kind of sort of worked, and slapping it on so nobody would actually look at it. Those files were somewhat large, and after you've done a few, you could easily run into a storage quota were the school to impose one (when I was there, you had no quota because you also had no storage--you were responsible for creating the presentation on some machine and getting it from that machine onto the one that ran the projector).

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