Reply to post: Re: Stupid idea

We have the best trade wars: US investigating French tech tax plan over fears it unfairly targets American biz

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Stupid idea

The "better solution" requires every country in the world to cooperate, or businesses can play shell games using the ones who don't play ball in exchange for extracting a small amount from them (like Ireland did for Apple, and Caribbean countries do for everyone) I guess you don't recognize the truth of the statement 'perfect is the enemy of good' and will wait until the heat death of the universe for 'perfect' to arrive.

Taxing on revenue is basically sales tax, and so long as they limit it to only revenue earned in the country in question I can't see a reason why this is a bad thing, especially since they have limited it to ephemeral goods like advertising or software intermediaries so it is a level playing field.

If you think a 3% tax on sales is a bad thing in France, what about the much higher VAT EU countries all charge for all goods and services? What about the sales tax that most states in the US charge?

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