Reply to post: Re: Mozilla

Internet imbeciles, aka British ISP lobbyists, backtrack on dubbing Mozilla a villain for DNS-over-HTTPS support

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Re: Mozilla

Thank you! Finally some sanity around DoH.

At our organization the risks from leaking all kinds of internal information to a dodgy third party (sorry, no SLA with CloudFlare, they're a risk to be mitigated not a benefactor here) far, far outweigh the "benefits" of DoH. Thanks to DoH and the fact that it can't be blocked at the edge, we've been forced to lock employee workstations down even further for legal reasons and to deny any type of BYOD on the corporate network.

In fact I'd probably say that DoH has made privacy /worse/ for our employees, not better, since instead of blocking the unwanted external traffic now we have to control each and every device on the network at a far more invasive level than before, and instead of some degree of anonymization from the traffic going out over the central DNS servers now each and every employee gets to be tracked via their mobile phone since public Internet outside of a severely restricted browser isn't available to them any more.

Brilliant work, Mozilla, Cloudflare, and Google! Well, I guess they now have even more data on individual users and browsing habits, plus can stop those evil DNS-based adblockers, so end goal accomplished?

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