Reply to post: Re: You've obviously not seen systems run by professionals then

Firm fat-fingered G Suite and deleted its data, so it escalated its support ticket to a lawsuit

big_D Silver badge

Re: You've obviously not seen systems run by professionals then

Yes, I've done a lot of MCSE training and exams in the last couple of years, after 35 years working in IT* and using Windows since 1987. The MCSE level of training and the exams are for n00bs, the course touched on about a third of the knowledge required to effectively run an MS installation.

It doesn't teach you to think laterally, it doesn't teach you to think outside the box and it is no replacement for experience.

* I was looking for a new job and decided that having a couple of qualifications would look good on the CV, then I actually took the courses and exams and was shocked how basic the knowledge required was.

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