Reply to post: Re: trying to tell the British public

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Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: trying to tell the British public

WTO says its rules would not force EU or UK to erect hard Irish border

Why did you even post that link if that's the argument you're making? AC said the UK would be wide open to legal claims if they have an open border, you posted that link, and your link confirms it. You clutched at straws and just shot yourself in the foot. Did you even read as far as the second paragraph where it says:

"The Geneva-based trade body where countries negotiate the rules of international trade would only intervene in a dispute over trade if one of its 164 member countries made a complaint."

Or a little bit further down:

“There is nothing in WTO rules that forces anyone to put up border posts,” said WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell on a visit to Dublin last week.

“Someone has to bring a complaint and say that their interests have been hurt.”

As there are about 20+ countries currently blocking the UK's proposed WTO schedules because they argue that they would hurt their interests, I'd say the chances of that happening as the AC says are pretty good. Russia would be first out of the gate to make a complaint just for the lulz.

Brexiteers talking about "WTO rules" as if trading without approved schedules and an open border meaning the UK is open to claims of discrimination is following WTO rules. Not a good look. Could we call them "WTF rules" instead?

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