Reply to post: Are ISPs already sabotaging Firefox DoH?

DoH! Secure DNS doesn't make us a villain, Mozilla tells UK broadband providers


Are ISPs already sabotaging Firefox DoH?

I enabled the Firefox/Cloudflare DoH on my Firefox-esr (v60.7.2) a few days ago and all was working OK. Thawed my computer this morning and Firefox started to crash. I had a lot of tabs open and lost them. Started to re-enter the ones I use regularly (eg. El Reg), when I got to google calendar it crashed again. Crashes re-occured on other google sites., Repeated attempts led to repeated crashes, each more severe than the last to the extent that the browser wouldn't stay open unless I disconnected the WiFi. Firefox on Android, that I hadn't enabled for DoH, was still working.

Disabled the DoH (network.trr.mode=0) while offline and now I'm happily sending this. So is it a bug, problems at the Cloudflare doH or are BT injecting something malicious into my DNS?

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