Reply to post: Re: Mozilla are only partly right

DoH! Secure DNS doesn't make us a villain, Mozilla tells UK broadband providers


Re: Mozilla are only partly right

"Which, oddly, sounds like exactly the kind of authoritarian bollocks that brought things like DoH about in the first place."

Stopping people accessing kiddie porn websites is similar to stopping people accessing guns. We think that curtailing people's freedom to buy guns in the UK is an acceptable trade-off between your right to do what you want and my right for you not to have a dangerous weapon. Cleanfeed is an acceptable trade-off between your right to have unfettered access to information and children's rights not to have pictures of their being raped handed around the Internet. Society, through the standard method of voting for things, agrees. (In surveys it also agrees overwhelmingly with the viewpoint that paedophiles should not be able to trade images online, and is happy for Cleanfeed to exist.)

Mozilla, Google et al are proposing something that will break Cleanfeed, going against UK Government policy and UK society's wishes. It is incumbent on them to repair the damage that their innovation will do, just as oil companies are expected to pay when they pour millions of gallons of oil on beaches. Tech companies have been getting away with this attitude of doing whatever they want and let society clean up the mess for too long, and this is indicative of that same care-free attitude.

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