Reply to post: Re: despite every audience member knowing how things will play out,

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: despite every audience member knowing how things will play out,

The mnemonic that I was taught for resistor colours (BBROYGBVGW) is problematic: it's (arguably, although it's a mnemonic and not an endorsement, but let's err on the side of caution) sexist, abusive, aggressive (and, depending on the first word, also racist (but does act as a helpful colour cue (the resistor colour)). Violet does sound like a fun lass to hang out with, though…

Unfortunately, on the other hand, it is very memorable. I can still remember it now even though I haven't done anything with resistors since high school physics.

I suspect that there are probably quite a few Reg readers who also know which expansion I mean without having to look it up, although I hope we all nevertheless feel a bit guilty about it.

I am pleased to see that there are a good number of more polite alternatives, but unfortunately the one you were taught is the one that sticks with you. (If I was using resistors nowadays, I would make sure to try to learn and memorise one of the other mnemonics, and I would assume that it is one of the others that is taught in schools now.)

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