Reply to post: Re: History lessons

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: History lessons

> I can't help but think that history teaching would have been better done like physics: simple (but misleading) explanations/equations, which get superseded by more accuracy as you get deeper.

My wife is a primary teacher and the most fuckwittedly moronic thing the current Government did was to change the National Curriculum to require them to teach history in chronological order!

So in key stage two (years 3 to 6) it is: the Stone Age; followed by Ancient Romans; then Anglo Saxons and Scots; then the Vikings; then a local history unit; and finally a period of history later than 1066 (e.g. World War 2, Victorians, Tudors, the 1960s).

The main effect of this was that every single history text book had to be thrown away and new ones bought because they no longer matched the children's age groups (they would have been either too simple or too hard). A complete and utter waste of money.

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