Reply to post: Re: Amazing...

Finally in the UK: Apollo 11 lands... in a cinema near you


Re: Amazing...

This is not necessary as they can be found here on earth:

“Third lunar mineral - Tranquillityite found in Western Australia

Back in the heyday of the Apollo moon program, hundreds of pounds of rock samples were carted back to Earth by visiting astronauts. Those samples were then pored over more thoroughly by geologists than perhaps any other rocks in human history, and after all that study, three minerals were found that were unique to the moon: armalcolite, pyroxferroite and tranquillityite. The first two were subsequently found over the next ten years on the surface of the Earth as well, but the third, named after Tranquility Base, site of the first moon landing, had never been found here on this planet, at least not naturally, tranquillityite has been found in meteorite samples. But now that’s changed.


This is in German:

“Researchers have made an interesting discovery that cast doubt on the previous assumption of the formation of the moon.

The moon and the earth have much more in common than was previously thought. A team of researchers consisting of Americans and Swiss have analyzed rocks of the moon. They found out that the moon is a geochemical twin of the earth. The moon consists to a large extent of earth material.


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