Reply to post: Re: It's BeOS, it's the OS

Google's Fuchsia OS Flutters into view: We're just trying out some new concepts, claims exec

Cederic Silver badge

Re: It's BeOS, it's the OS

Big Oil pursue profits, and destroy countries in their wake.

Big Tobacco pursue profits, and destroy lives to do so.

Big Pharma pursue profits, and destroy personal economies to do so.

Big Google are actively seeking to exert societal change across the world, and are doing their best to destroy civilisation to do so.

I class Google's activities are far more evil than the others you've mentioned, and I don't trust them or their motives in the slightest.

(Example: After the BBC mentioned that Reddit had "quarantined" a large forum I used Google to try and find it. No links to the forum on the first three pages of search results, because Google don't want you to go there. Bing's response to the same search query was a link to the forum as their top search result)

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