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2001: Linux is cancer, says Microsoft. 2019: Hey friends, ah, can we join the official linux-distros mailing list, plz?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

> To be fair, since they purchased github, MS' code quality has gone up drastically.

Not really.

GitHub themselves seem to be doing more weird stuff lately too.

An example from last week: now when you create a new repo, you're no longer automatically added to the Watch list for it. So issues, PRs, etc on it don't come to your attention.

It's easy enough to add yourself to the repo after creation... if you know to do it.

However, this change has been done silently without telling anyone, so most people won't notice. It's a significant behaviour change, with no communication about it happening.

What's more... it wouldn't be surprising if the change was unintentional, and nobody working for GitHub has noticed.

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