Reply to post: Re: Why not use 4G/5G?

Weather forecasters are STILL banging on about 5G clashing with their sensors. As if climate change is a big deal

phuzz Silver badge

Re: Why not use 4G/5G?

Addendum, as I finish writing that comment, I finally found this document that spells out the limits that various different regulatory bodies are planning to place on unwanted emissions (UE) into the 23.6-24GHz band, and it looks like the EU is being much more strict than pretty much everywhere else on the planet, and the US is most lax:

African Telecommunications Union -28 to -30 dB

Arab Spectrum Management Group - 28 dB

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications -42dB

US FCC -20dB

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity -29.7 dB

Most of these seem to be proposed limits, not set in stone yet, but it's worth noting that the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity includes most of the countries where 5G modems will actually be made.

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