Reply to post: Re: What goes round, comes around

Iran is doing to our networks what it did to our spy drone, claims Uncle Sam: Now they're bombing our hard drives

Blazde Silver badge

Re: What goes round, comes around

Isn't this exactly how China was handled in the pre-Trump era? All kinds of constructive trade deals were reached giving them access to world markets. The Chinese economy benefited (along with the global economy). Dignitaries from liberal nations largely ignored human rights abuses. No official diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Hong Kong returned. No apology for the Opium Wars yet but it's bound to happen eventually.

They've still hacked the living crap out of America, and why wouldn't they? They've a lot to gain from it and very little to lose.

Meanwhile the various cyber attacks on Iran's enrichment facilities were part of the backdrop of pressure which brought about the Iran nuclear deal, or at the very last didn't seem to harm it. Indeed without all the various sticks, the sanctions, the assassination of scientists, the possibility of a pre-emptive conventional strike on their facilities, they wouldn't have had any reasons at all to agree to the deal.

Talking is great, essential even, but it doesn't get you everywhere and it can not possibly disarm anyone's covert cyber capabilities.

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