Reply to post: Re: Doesn't matter

Biz tells ransomware victims it can decrypt their files... by secretly paying off the crooks and banking a fat margin


Re: Doesn't matter

To call it lying might be a bit of a stretch. Doing "the technical stuff, properly" does not - to me - imply that they are brute-forcing an AES-256 key or reverse engineering the malware to recover the key. They are being deliberately vague but with that wording their target demographic isn't technically savvy corporations and "technical stuff" is all they need to hear, want to hear, and care to hear. To a company who might not have anyone on staff who knows what bitcoin is less how to purchase it or run a decryption tool on their files, a $3000 premium on $900 spent might sound a little high but as far as profit margins go, it's nowhere near out of the ordinary (when's the last time you bought a bottle of wine in a restaurant?). If they came right out and said "we talk to the guys, negotiate a bit of a discount, purchase bitcoin, send it to them, obtain the decryption tool, run it on your data, and you pay us to do that", then yes, you could have a nice argument over whether you sit by and watch your business go up in flames for the good of the commons or you bite the bullet, pay the 4 grand, write it off as an operating loss, and start backing up your files.

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