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Kids can be so crurl: Lead dev unchuffed with Google's plan to remake curl in its own image


Thats what i would suspect, they have the infrastructure to offer a passive cloudflare&cdn offering with 0 config (or control) just by adding a character to existing code, thats certainly the story i would expect them to crow about while failing to mention the cost is all your data transiting it being actively profiled.

On the flip side this could also do some good, as if they essentially use this as a client to googlenet then at least it would be technically feasible for politicians* to demand data sovereignity and compel google to gatekeep data and keep it within continental/political boundaries, but then again that's another can of worms to open right there!

*Wont happen until techno incompetents dont hold office, im looking at you hashtags rudd (or which ever professional bung craving liar too stupid or too bored of practising law you hold the most disdain for)

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