Reply to post: Re: In the UK...

10 PRINT Memorial in New Hampshire marks the birthplace of BASIC

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: In the UK...

Ah the 380z and 8" floppies and that fantastic black steel case :) I remember using POKE to change the OS's error message strings. Can't quite place the year (it was a long time ago) but I think I was already writing z80 assembly and Sinclair basic at the time so must have been early 81. Then it was Spectrum, Amstrad cpc 364 (and friends C64s, Orics and so on), then an acoustic coupler, mucking around on Prestel just at the time of the mailbox hack, and BBS's, a X25 pad account at UCL and programming in other languages on Vax's and Nix'en. Speaking of basic and 380z's though... loved playing that :)

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