Reply to post: Good ol' "have you checked the cable?"

When customers see red, sometimes the obvious solution will only fan the flames


Good ol' "have you checked the cable?"

So once upon a time, i was helping to cover a short staffed service desk. I received a call from a laptop user on a hot desk. They were getting very annoyed, they had been in since 8am and hadn't managed to do anything due to a lack of network connection. We didn't have a decent wifi connection where they were but the desk did have a network cable. I asked them to check all the cables were plugged in and got a string of four letter words to the effect of "Of course I've checked the cables!"

After much swearing from user, i decide to trundle round to her desk. It's only round the corner from where i'm sitting, so the deskers won't miss me. I get there to see her red faced and full of piss and vinegar. Lots of swearing, angry gesturing, comments like "IT never bloody works" etc etc.

Taking it in my stride, I walk over to the desk, check the laptop. No network cable. I make a big gesture of plugging the cable in. Keep in mind, this is a big company and we have an open plan office. She stares at me, goes quiet.

"Next time i tell you to check the cable, CHECK THE FSCKING CABLE".

Her boss sitting next to her calmly says "I told her to check the cable as well".

Working for a company wear swearing isn't just the norm but classed as obligatory can be very therapeutic.

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