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Large Redmond Collider: CERN reveals plan to shift from Microsoft to open-source code after tenfold license fee hike

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Ah, the human factor.

You can have as many scientists as you want with so many letters after their name they had to invent a new alphabet; they can tell you the history of existence itself from a single image taken from a photon receptor.

But when they can't plug in a kettle without electrocuting themselves, then you can guarantee they will not be able to switch their desktops without a great wailing across the face of the earth and gnashing of teach and chewing of tongues and children being cast into lakes of lava to appease the Gods of Quantum Physics.

Trust me. I work in IT support for a leading research-led red-brick university, and they can be a right royal pain-in-the-arse.

(hence the anonymous post, unusually for me!)

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