Reply to post: Re: Can someone explain...

Oblivious 'influencers' work on 3.6-roentgen tans in Chernobyl after realising TV show based on real nuclear TITSUP


Re: Can someone explain...

But PAGE was a rite of passage for undergrad biosciences!

Having to remind the poor stupid darlings not to keep prodding the nice squidgy gel with a bare finger because it was still laced with un polymerised cumulative neurotoxin...

Was more fun doing large 2D SDS-PAGE protein separations because we'd wash the gel plates in hot water and detergent then, while still hot, rinse them down with ethanol. Wouldn't actually cast the gel until the next day so we had time to sober up again. 2D-LC makes the proteins far more recoverable but it takes the fun out of things a bit.

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