Reply to post: Re: On the bright side

Oblivious 'influencers' work on 3.6-roentgen tans in Chernobyl after realising TV show based on real nuclear TITSUP

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: On the bright side

There's an interview with the general in charge on RT. (Poor guy got the job because he had a PhD.)

He's 85 but says he has to take a lot of meds. With an average male life expectancy of around 60 for the area, perhaps a little radiation is good for you.

(I do remember reading a report years ago, after talking to a scientist from Winfrith, which suggested that Sellafield workers had about average life expectancy. One interesting possibility was that while radiation exposure might increase the risk of leukaemia somewhat, it might be suppressing the initiation of some solid cancers and the two effects roughly cancelled out. But (a) this is not a citation and (b) anyway my recollection may be faulty. I haven't done RP in a quarter of a century).

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