Reply to post: Re: Backup - ever heard of it?

The best and worst of GitHub: Repos wiped without notice, quickly restored – but why?


Re: Backup - ever heard of it?

> because git is designed to be distributed, there isn't really a 'master' and 'copy'.

Usually teams of developers do not sync directly between each other. In practice some server or servers is effectively the master, and developers pull and push code to it. And Github of course provides such a git server + added tools like the bug tracking and a web page that you can use as the staring point for getting into a project. But it is really cool that if Github disappears or "goes evil", the developers still have between them both the latest code version and the full history, and can easily reconstruct the "master" on some other server.

I'm not particularly a fan of Git, but this resiliency feature is impressive, and compensates for its defects (like the user-friendliness of a rattlesnake).

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