Reply to post: Re: how about the billion pieces of silica ?

Barbie Girl was wrong? Life is plastic, it's not fantastic: We each ingest '121,000 pieces' of microplastics a year


Re: how about the billion pieces of silica ?

How about the billion pieces of silicates we ingest every year, or the billion pieces of NaCl we inhale every day when going to the sea side, or the billion pieces of various organic fibers etc. ?

I'll come and start farting in your face every day - after all flatulence isn't really that bad (trust me, you'll learn otherwise PDQ!). And I'm sure I can find all sorts of other "wonderful" that people live with all the time.. How about a nice peat fire around your house, always blowing smoke where you live?

Or perhaps we can do something about NOT being disgusting lazy pigs and dumping pollutants into our environment just because it's easy.

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