Reply to post: Re: What fraction of a gram ?

Barbie Girl was wrong? Life is plastic, it's not fantastic: We each ingest '121,000 pieces' of microplastics a year


Re: What fraction of a gram ?

A physiologist writes. I would love to know the route by which lung mucus ends up in the digestive system. There are other routes for lung mucus than down the oesophagus. I'm asthmatic but live above the beach here in Dundee and it manifests, unlike when I lived in London, just as a gradual build up of fluid in my lungs, I can feel it.

But when I got for a run after a period of abstinence from exercise then I will cough for about two hours afterwards. Much of this comes up and is expectorated rather than swallowed. But that's just me. Coughing it up is always an option.

BTW the stomach acids will make short work of any lung mucus. Mucopollysaccharides (sounds like a plastic, doesn't it?) will break down at those pH's. I doubt much of it makes it out intact.

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