Reply to post: Re: Bad Timing

Apple strips clips of WWDC devs booing that $999 monitor stand from the web using copyright claims. Fear not, you can listen again here...

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Bad Timing

Tiananmen Square? Really?

It's bad enough when people start complaining becuase someone's had some fun in vague temporal proximity to a tragic event. Or even a sad one. Remember all those radio stations refusing to play happy music after Diana died? But even worse when we have to watch out for historical events.

Isn't it in appalling taste, all those people going on beach holidays in June and disrespecting the sacrifice our brave boys at Normandy? Boo!*

And what about the memory of poor emporer Julian and his army, slaughtered by the Persians in 363 AD? Going to church in this month is definitely hard on the poor sausage, who was the last pagan emporer, trying to reverse the Christianisation of his empire...

Let's just call Apple arses, for the fact that they're being arses.

*On which note, when I heard the headline this morning that Merkel, May, Macron and Trump where there - I had this vision of the perfect rememberance ceremony, where they all get off a landing craft on the beach, and Merkel is waiting for them in a foxhole, optionally equipped with ceremonial commemorative machine gun, to welcome them to the beach. It's possible I have a diseased mind...

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