Reply to post: Re: "Regular" security uodates

It's that time again: Android kicks off June's patch parade with fixes for five hijack holes

big_D Silver badge

Re: "Regular" security uodates

Huawei are also 4 weeks late, and I think Samsung as well.

The problem is in the way that the manufacturers get the updates.

1. Google fixes the code

2. Google pushes updates to their own devices

3. At the same time as they push the updates, they release the source to AOSP

4. The manufacturers have to look at the newly released code.

5. They have to integrate the changes into their base code

6. They have to test the code

7. They have to release the code.

If you are unlucky and have a carrier branded phone, you might have to wait for the carrier to also do their own testing.

That is one of the reasons why I haven't bought a carrier branded device since 2007.

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