Reply to post: Re: Bing Is Not Google

Microsoft Bing is 10: That thing you accidentally use to search for Chrome? Still alive and kicking

bazza Silver badge

Re: Bing Is Not Google

When Microsoft finally surrenders after bleeding more money than the GDP of a small nation, Google will inherit the balance from sheer survival and not have the guilt of beating all those small fry to death.

The trouble with that outlook is that Microsoft are actually doing amazing well commercially, $trillion valuation and all that, and in many ways have a far more appealing offering in the round than Google do. Plus, Google are presently the focus of anti-trust actions in Europe and now, seemingly, in the US too, and Microsoft aren't. Google, being almost entirely a parasitic organisation (Facebook are even worse), don't have a real, large scale revenue stream. Microsoft do at least have real product to sell, in amongst the mix of ad revenue from a search engine. That's probably a healtier position to be in long term.

MS's current passion for open source isn't doing their cause any harm either, right when Google are coming under a lot of pressure because of the closed source binary blobs that make up Google Play Services, etc.

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