Reply to post: Re: DigitalOcean hosts hackers

DigitalOcean drowned my startup! 'We lost everything, our servers, and one year of database backups' says biz boss

SImon Hobson Bronze badge

Re: DigitalOcean hosts hackers

not just a small number of obscure ISPs and an even smaller number of websites that can be bothered

The 90s called and want their meme back !

In the UK, most (all ?) of the largest ISPs do IP6 by default - BT Internet, Sky, and IRC TalkTalk who between them have the bulk of users. So you can untick "obscure ISPs".

And I think you'll find that Gobble and FaecesBorg aren't exactly obscure websites either.

Google reports that currently about 1/4 of all it's traffic is native IPv6 - so clearly more than a handful of obscure ISPs with few users. If you look at their per-country stats, the UK is at about that level (24%), while Germany hits 44% and Belgium hits 54%.

Facebook reports higher figures, and interestingly a different pattern - and the USA showing 58% IPv6 adoption.

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