Reply to post: Re: Aitor is correct

LTO-8 tape media patent lawsuit cripples supply as Sony and Fujifilm face off in court

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Aitor is correct

Much more likely that Congress would be lobbied to nationalize the fusion patent. The US has no interest, beyond that of a few oil companies which are a tiny fraction of the GDP, in maintaining the oil economy.

The US government would be fine with causing the oil price to crash to $10/bbl, because the middle east would suddenly get a LOT simpler when we don't need to kiss ass with Saudi Arabia. It would topple most of those governments, but promises of "we'll build you shiny new fusion plants free of charge if you let us dismantle all your nuclear plants and cart away all your radioactive materials" would be cheap when measured against our all to frequent wars.

It would also make South America a lot simpler as well, especially since we don't have an Israel there we feel we need to protect as if it was US territory.

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