Reply to post: Re: Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

Introducing 'freedom gas' – a bit like the 2003 deep-fried potato variety, only even worse for you

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

sorry, I happen to have some proof right here:

The temperatures corresponding to the absorbed energies are generally temperatures NOT found on earth, and even if they were, you'd see the energy released again. CO2 is not forming a blanket, it's not stopping heat from radiating into space, but there _IS_ ONE gas that DOES do all of that, and nobody wants to control it...

Wanna know what THAT gas is? WATER VAPOR. By my estimates, it has about 100 times the effect of CO2. And there's SO MUCH of it, too. On a cloudy night you see warmer temperatures, and you see colder temperatures on a cloudy day. it couldn't be more obvious that WATER _IS_ a GREENHOUSE GAS.

but the planet isn't going into meltdown because of water, now is it?

I just thoght I'd point that one out. I'd laugh SO hard if some warmist/alarmist insisted that WATER VAPOR must be limited in industrialized nations because of "climate change".

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