Reply to post: Re: "Inadvertently misrouted." Wow, that's what I call a spectacular display of contempt.

That's a hell of Huawei to run a business, Chinese giant scolds FedEx after internal files routed via America

Tom 7

Re: "Inadvertently misrouted." Wow, that's what I call a spectacular display of contempt.

I can easily imagine algorithms routing items of low worth (to FedEx) via various low cost routes that dont quite lead to the savings they were hoping for - indeed I've helped write similar algorithms that try and reduce costs by trying to shift things to bulk carriers on longer distance routes that may or not make the connection and as a result go round the houses a bit.

However I find it very hard to imagine that FedEx routing algorithms could send stuff from China to Japan via the US on the off chance of them saving some cents on bulk carriers without them having gone bust long ago.

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