Reply to post: Re: the real enemy

That's a hell of Huawei to run a business, Chinese giant scolds FedEx after internal files routed via America

Claptrap314 Silver badge

Re: the real enemy

Umm... I don't see that as particularly bad. I mean, I would certainly prefer that you do US business than Chinese, but that's the way of the world. As I've been thumping here for years, China has determined to function as an enemy of the US. US ignores this behavior at our peril.

What I find really, REALLY bizarre is that folks here claim that the US is doing anything even remotely comparable to what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs. Or their "social credit" system.

Maybe the Chinese government feels farther away than the US to you personally, so you feel more directly affronted by US behavior than Chinese, but you need to look at the end goals of these respective governments.

Would you rather live in China than the US?

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