Reply to post: I's a disgrace.

Google relents slightly in ad-blocker crackdown – for paid-up enterprise Chrome users, everyone else not so much

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I's a disgrace.

About a year ago I experienced a pop-up forced through chrome. This was not a benevolent advert but a paid for scammers advert. Chrome was promptly dropped. I’m quite sure the impetus is driven by large financial institutions to get their adverts through and stop people using ad blockers which would make them utterly useless.

I can envisage a time when all other browsers will be damaged or banned from google except Chrome for not complying with Googles ethics.

Google has replaced Don't be evil with evil,immorality,wickedness,nefariousness,vileness and anything else found in a thesaurus.

This is only the beginning they won't stop now.

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