Reply to post: Re: Grit

It's 50 years to the day since Apollo 10 blasted off: America's lunar landing 'dress rehearsal'


Re: Grit

I don't aim to 'convert' you, your beliefs are way stronger than any facts or logic: that is always the way - so how could you be any different?

I merely mentioned that the Apollo 10 was a fictional mission and everyone steamed in and attacked me, not the other way around. Of course I'll then respond - how could it be any other way?

As for your continued insistence that I'm stupid and 'don't understand' I have no idea why you persist with the ad hominem attacks, I don't know you, so why would I care what you think or say any more than I'd care about a goldfish giving me a hard stare?

As for your strange insistence that the 1g pulley system makes it easier may I draw your attention to NASA's video of the event:

You'll note at the start the LRV is at waist height, a perfect height for carrying the 17.5kg each off the LM and away from the craft. Look at the guys standing next to it, all they need to do is lift it off, instead we get a pantomime with bits of pointless string as some NASA team designed it to lower 210kg rather than the 35kg it weighs on the moon.

You say they improve it but they don't. The improvement is two handles for the astronauts to lift it out with. Instead we are treated to watching astronauts wasting their time and US taxpayer money that could be spent bombing Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia on playing with bits of string.

BTW there's still no reference in any NASA literature to balancing the LRV's mass within the LM, to balance that much must have been a significant move by Grumman to do that.

One has to conclude that the entire LRV story works much better in a 1g environment where the LM lands with the help of a large crane. In this setting the winch makes perfect sense, as does the imbalance. Also what works is the carefree frolicks of the astronauts on the surface, the reliability, the orange stains on the film plate and the way a rush build american vehicle of such complexity just always worked like a new Toyota.

My final puzzle for you this post is simple: Why did NASA learn NOTHING about how to travel to the moon by travelling to the moon?

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