Reply to post: Re: Dumb, dumber, or dumbest ?

It's 50 years to the day since Apollo 10 blasted off: America's lunar landing 'dress rehearsal'


Re: Dumb, dumber, or dumbest ?

Your extreme naivete in believing in the NASA Apollo missions is no reason to accuse those of us that have studied the subject and concluded it was all faked as 'stupid'.

In fact you are the one accepting NASA's far fetched story of impossible stories and improbable technology without question whereas we used the scientific method, studied the evidence and decided that NASA was lying.

It's not as if the US government doesn't lie every single day is it? Remember Iraq, Libya, Syria and look at their lies about Iran and Venezuela.

You seriously think they were telling you the truth in the same decade they murdered JFK, MLK and thousands of Vietnamese in an illegal war of aggression? You are defending the same government that destroyed Laos and put Pol Pot in charge of Cambodia.

Just how naive are you?

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